Priyanka Agarwal
1 min readMar 10, 2022

Looking for RDP Login Authentication Solution? Look for these features first

Microsoft Remote Desktop and Terminal Services provide an easy way for users to connect enterprise systems and use shared applications from remote locations. Yet Microsoft remote sessions’ services have not been designed to be deployed over untrusted networks without additional protection.

Secure your Microsoft Servers, RDP login, and Terminal Services.

Before going for any solution, always check if it provides Two-Factor with all OpenOTP One-Time Password methods and FIDO like:

  • Software Tokens (OpenOTP Token which supports Push logins, Google Authenticator)
  • Hardware Tokens (all OATH compliant tokens are supported)
  • Mobile-based SMS OTP (became deprecated in some scenarios like for banks)
  • Voice Biometrics (New authentication method)
  • Mailbox
  • Yubikey Token

Also, some of the major features to look at is:

  1. Supports NT Domain-style login names like ‘Domain\Username’
  2. Supports User Principal Names (UPN), implicit and explicit.
  3. Supports LDAP and LDAP+OTP login modes.
  4. Support of Users, groups, clients policies that allow you to design your authentication workflow based on many inputs.
  5. Enterprise deployment with AD automated software deployment tools.
  6. Supports Normal (3 fields presented to the user on the login screen) and Simple login (2 fields presented on the login screen and if an OTP is required, then the third field is displayed on another page)

You should also look at the compatibility and integrations with your system. For more information check this- Secure RDP Login.

Priyanka Agarwal

Technical Content Writer | Digital Marketing Specialist