OpenOTP MFA-VPN: The free secure VPN



With increasing restrictions and the spread of coronavirus again, the demand for OpenOTP MFA VPN has surged exponentially too. People are looking for solutions that provide extremely secure remote access for Active Directory or LDAP users, with multifactorial pre-included functionalities such as the Push connection or Universal Second Factor (U2F).

The basic features and functionalities on-demand now are:

  • Free OpenOTP MFA-VPN
  • Secured OPenOTP MFA-VPN
  • It’s easy to install in a few minutes
  • No infrastructure is required only an internet box and an ADSL fiber

RCDevs Security Solutions is one among many solutions providers in the market. The unique factor is it is free for up to 40 users.

You can download and test it now!



Priyanka Agarwal

Technical Content Writer | Digital Marketing Specialist